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A notepad made in HTA(hta实现的记事本)

(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/10/19 浏览:3 次 )
This notepad can handle bigger files than the one shiped with Win9x.
Learn how to make windows looking interfaces in HTML.
Interesting use of Commondialogs.


A notepad made in HTA(hta实现的记事本)

复制代码 代码如下:

 SYSMENU="yes" VERSION="0.3" WINDOWSTATE="normal">

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
BODY { xfont-family: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
  xfont-size: 8pt;
  cursor:default; //auto, text, pointer
TABLE { xfont-family:"Arial";
  FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=90);
IFrame { height:expression(document.body.clientHeight-MenuTable.clientHeight);
TD { border:"1px solid Menu";}
.submenu {position:absolute;top=20;
  border="2px outset";}
.MenuIn  {border:'1px inset';}
.Menuover {border:'1px outset';}
.Menuout {border:'1px solid';}
.Submenuover {background-color:highlight;color:highlighttext;}
.Submenuout {background-color:Menu;color:MenuText;}

<script language=vbscript>
option explicit
Dim FileName,fModif,LastChildMenu,LastMenu
fModif=False 'Not modified
Set LastChildMenu=Nothing
Set LastMenu=Nothing
Sub DisplayTitle
 If FileName="" Then
  document.Title="sans titre - " & oHTA.ApplicationName
  document.Title=FileName & " - " & oHTA.ApplicationName
 End If
End Sub

' File management '
Sub SaveAs
 Dim oDLG
 Set oDLG=CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog")
 With oDLG
  .Filter="Scripts|*.vbs;*.hta;*.wsf;*.js|Text Files|*.txt|All files|*.*"
  If .FileName<>"" Then
  End If
 End With
 Set oDLG=Nothing
End Sub
Sub Save()
 Dim fso,f
 If FileName<>"" Then
  Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set f=fso.CreateTextFile(FileName,True)
  f.Write MyFrame.MyText.Value
  Set f=Nothing
  Set fso=Nothing
 End If
End Sub
Sub OpenIt
 Dim fso,f
 Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set f=fso.OpenTextFile(FileName,1)
 Set f=Nothing
 Set fso=Nothing
End Sub
Sub Open()
 If fModif Then
  Select Case Msgbox("The text in the file " & FileName & " has been changed." _
   & vbCrLf & "Do you want to save the changes ?",51,oHTA.ApplicationName)
  Case 6 'Yes
  Case 7 'No
  Case 2 'Cancel
   Exit Sub
  End Select
 End If
 Dim oDLG
 Set oDLG=CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog")
 With oDLG
  .Filter="Scripts|*.vbs;*.hta;*.wsf;*.js|Text Files|*.txt|All files|*.*"
  .Flags=.Flags Or &H1000 'FileMustExist (OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST)
  If .FileName<>"" Then
  End If
 End With
 Set oDLG=Nothing
End Sub
Sub NewText
 If fModif Then
  Select Case Msgbox("The text in the file " & FileName & " has been changed." _
   & vbCrLf & "Do you want to save the changes ?",51,oHTA.ApplicationName)
  Case 6 'Yes
  Case 7 'No
  Case 2 'Cancel
   Exit Sub
  End Select
 End If
End Sub

' Drag & Drop '
Sub ChangeIFrame
 'We use an Iframe to allow Drag&Drop
 MyFrame.Document.Body.InnerHTML="<textarea ID=MyText WRAP=OFF onChange" & _
  "='vbscript:parent.fModif=True' onclick='vbscript:parent.HideMenu' " & _
 With MyFrame.Document.Body.Style
 End With
 With MyFrame.MyText.Style
  .fontfamily="Fixedsys, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif"
 End With
 Select Case UCase(MyFrame.location.href)
 Case Else
  FileName=Replace(Mid(MyFrame.location.href,9),"/","\") 'suppress file:///
 End Select
End Sub

' Menu management '
Sub ShowSubMenu(Parent,Child)
 If Child.style.display="block" Then
  Set LastChildMenu=Nothing
  Set LastChildMenu=Child
 End If
 Set LastMenu=Parent
End Sub
Sub MenuOver(Parent,Child)
 If LastChildMenu is Nothing Then
  If LastMenu is Parent Then
   ShowSubMenu Parent,Child
  End If
 End If
End Sub
Sub MenuOut(Menu)
 If LastChildMenu is Nothing Then Menu.className="MenuOut"
End Sub
Sub HideMenu
 If Not LastChildMenu is Nothing Then
  Set LastChildMenu=Nothing
 End If
End Sub
Sub SubMenuOver(Menu)
End Sub
Sub SubMenuOut(Menu)
End Sub


<body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 rightmargin=0>
<TABLE id=MenuTable><TR>
 <TD onclick='ShowSubMenu Me,MyFileMenu'
  onmouseover='MenuOver Me,MyFileMenu'
  onmouseout='MenuOut Me'> File </TD>
 <TD onclick='ShowSubMenu Me,MyEditMenu'
  onmouseover='MenuOver Me,MyEditMenu'
  onmouseout='MenuOut Me'> Edit </TD>
 <TD onclick='ShowSubMenu Me,MyFindMenu'
  onmouseover='MenuOver Me,MyFindMenu'
  onmouseout='MenuOut Me'> Find </TD>
 <TD onclick='ShowSubMenu Me,MyHelpMenu'
  onmouseover='MenuOver Me,MyHelpMenu'
  onmouseout='MenuOut Me'> ? </TD>
 <TD onclick="HideMenu" width=100% border=2></TD>
<TABLE ID=MyFileMenu class=submenu style="left=2;display:none;"><TR>
 <TD onclick="HideMenu:NewText"
  onmouseover='Submenuover Me'
  onmouseout='Submenuout Me'> New</TD></TR>
 <TR><TD onclick="HideMenu:open"
  onmouseover='Submenuover Me'
  onmouseout='Submenuout Me'> Open</TD></TR>
 <TR><TD onclick="HideMenu:save"
  onmouseover='Submenuover Me'
  onmouseout='Submenuout Me'> Save</TD></TR>
 <TR><TD onclick="HideMenu:saveAs"
  onmouseover='Submenuover Me'
  onmouseout='Submenuout Me'> Save As</TD></TR>
 <TR><TD onclick="HideMenu:window.close"
  onmouseover='Submenuover Me'
  onmouseout='Submenuout Me'> Quit</TD></TR>
<TABLE ID=MyEditMenu class=submenu style="left=30;display:none;"><TR>
 <TD><HR width=50px></TD></TR>
<TABLE ID=MyFindMenu class=submenu style="left=60;display:none;"><TR>
 <TD><HR width=50px></TD></TR>
<TABLE ID=MyHelpMenu class=submenu style="left=90;display:none;"><TR>
 <TD onclick='HideMenu:msgbox "No help available yet;under construction ;=)"'
  onmouseover='Submenuover Me'
  onmouseout='Submenuout Me'>Help</TD></TR>
 <TR><TD onclick='HideMenu:CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog").AboutBox'
  onmouseover='Submenuover Me'
  onmouseout='Submenuout Me'>About</TD></TR>

<iframe id=MyFrame application=yes scrolling=no onload="ChangeIFrame"></iframe>

<script language=vbscript>
'We can handle a file as a parameter to this HTA
Dim x
If x=Len(FileName) Then
 FileName="" 'No File Loaded
End If

上一篇:hta 实现的五子棋界面
微软与英特尔等合作伙伴联合定义“AI PC”:键盘需配有Copilot物理按键
几个月来,英特尔、微软、AMD和其它厂商都在共同推动“AI PC”的想法,朝着更多的AI功能迈进。在近日,英特尔在台北举行的开发者活动中,也宣布了关于AI PC加速计划、新的PC开发者计划和独立硬件供应商计划。
在此次发布会上,英特尔还发布了全新的全新的酷睿Ultra Meteor Lake NUC开发套件,以及联合微软等合作伙伴联合定义“AI PC”的定义标准。