(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/1 浏览:3 次 )
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import pygame,os,wx from random import randint from sys import exit from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() def main(): #获取屏幕大小 app=wx.App() WHFRAMES=wx.DisplaySize() WIDTH=int(WHFRAMES[0]*0.7) HEIGHT=int(WHFRAMES[1]*0.8) Timers = 0 #游戏定时器 TimersSec = 0 #秒 tim_psd = 0 #获取屏幕大小 screen=pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH,HEIGHT),0,32) caption=pygame.display.set_caption("超级马里奥") screen.fill([255,255,255]) mariofont = pygame.font.Font('fonts/poster.ttf',22) mario_name = mariofont.render("MARIO",True,(84,65,190),None) #Game_world = mariofont.render("WORLD",True,(84,65,190),None) Game_moneyX = mariofont.render("X",True,(255,255,128),None) Game_time = mariofont.render("TIME",True,(84,65,190),None) money_ic5 = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID21675.png') money_ic5 = pygame.transform.scale(money_ic5, (25, 25)) money_ic6 = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID21676.png') money_ic6 = pygame.transform.scale(money_ic6, (10, 25)) money_ic7 = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID21677.png') money_ic7 = pygame.transform.scale(money_ic7, (25, 25)) money_ic8 = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID21678.png') money_ic8 = pygame.transform.scale(money_ic8, (25, 25)) money_timers = 0 #图片轮播定时器 Game_world = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID2478.png') background = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID35342.png').convert_alpha() background = pygame.transform.scale(background, (WIDTH, HEIGHT)) Roads = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID3790.png').convert_alpha() Roads2 = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID4224.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34297.png').convert_alpha() x,y = 15,HEIGHT-200 inp_flag = -2 #(stop:-1 left drection ,-2 right drection) ,(walk:1 right drection ,2 left drection) times,times2 = 0,0 #人物动作定时器 move_values,jump_values,jump_values2,jump_values3 = 12,0,0,0 #一步移动的距离 和 跳跃的值1,2 jump_adder,jump_max_point = 0,50 #跳跃累加器 用来累加按键的长短 然后判断跳跃的高度,跳跃的初始值最高点 jump_flag = 0 bg_w_1,bg_w_2 = 0,WIDTH-2 #两张壁纸 一前一后循环拖动的变量 #播放背景 #播放背景 #游戏信息数据定义 score = 0 money = 0 world = 11 time = 400 Gdata = [score,money,world,time] #游戏信息数据定义 #初始化函数 def game_initializaion(score,money,world,time,Gdata,TimersSec,Timers,x,y,inp_flag,times,times2,move_values,jump_values,jump_values2,jump_values3,jump_adder,jump_max_point,jump_flag,bg_w_1,bg_w_2,tim_psd):#数据初始化 #游戏初始化数据 inp_flag = -2 #(stop:-1 left drection ,-2 right drection) ,(walk:1 right drection ,2 left drection) x,y = 15,HEIGHT-200 #马里奥坐标 times,times2 = 0,0 #人物动作定时器 move_values,jump_values,jump_values2,jump_values3 = 12,0,0,0 #一步移动的距离 和 跳跃的值1,2 jump_adder,jump_max_point = 0,50 #跳跃累加器 用来累加按键的长短 然后判断跳跃的高度,跳跃的初始值最高点 jump_flag = 0 tim_psd = 0 bg_w_1,bg_w_2 = 0,WIDTH-2 #两张壁纸 一前一后循环拖动的变量 Timers = 0 #游戏定时器 score = 0 #开始分数 money = 0 #开始金钱 world = 11 #世界关卡第一关1-1 = 11 time = 400 #游戏总时间 TimersSec = 0 #游戏里的秒 Gdata = [score,money,world,time] #游戏初始化数据 return score,money,world,time,Gdata,TimersSec,Timers,x,y,inp_flag,times,times2,move_values,jump_values,jump_values2,jump_values3,jump_adder,jump_max_point,jump_flag,bg_w_1,bg_w_2,tim_psd #初始化函数 score,money,world,time,Gdata,TimersSec,Timers,x,y,inp_flag,times,times2,move_values,jump_values,jump_values2,jump_values3,jump_adder,jump_max_point,jump_flag,bg_w_1,bg_w_2,tim_psd = game_initializaion(score,money,world,time,Gdata,TimersSec,Timers,x,y,inp_flag,times,times2,move_values,jump_values,jump_values2,jump_values3,jump_adder,jump_max_point,jump_flag,bg_w_1,bg_w_2,tim_psd)#数据初始化主调函数 clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.key.set_repeat(55) pygame.display.flip() def WalkAction(times,times2,inp_flag,hero): #walk action if y < HEIGHT -200: #如果在空中 为跳跃图片 if inp_flag == 1: #right hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34259.png').convert_alpha() if inp_flag == 2: #left hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34259.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) else: if inp_flag == 1: #right times += 2 if times < 20: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34256.png').convert_alpha() elif times < 20: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34257..png').convert_alpha() elif times < 40: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34258.png').convert_alpha() elif times < 60: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34259.png').convert_alpha() elif times < 80: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34260.png').convert_alpha() elif times < 100: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34261.png').convert_alpha() elif times < 120: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34297.png').convert_alpha() elif times < 140: times = 0 if inp_flag == 2: #left times2 += 2 if times2 < 20: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34256.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) elif times2 < 20: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34257..png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) elif times2 < 40: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34258.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) elif times2 < 60: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34259.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) elif times2 < 80: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34260.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) elif times2 < 100: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34261.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) elif times2 < 120: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34297.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) elif times2 < 140: times2 = 0 elif inp_flag == -1: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34297.png').convert_alpha() hero = pygame.transform.flip(hero, True, False) times2 = 0 elif inp_flag == -2: hero = pygame.image.load('images/PTModelSprite_ID34297.png').convert_alpha() times2 = 0 return times,times2,inp_flag,hero def HeroHeightIs(): #判断角色是否为地面y轴 if y >= HEIGHT-200: return False else: #这是在控制的状况 return True def Reset_max_point(jump_max_point): #在地面重设默认跳跃的最高点(还原) if y >= (HEIGHT-200): jump_max_point = 50 #默认最高点是 50 return jump_max_point def jump_leftScreenBgnotMove(x): if x<(WIDTH/4): if jump_max_point == 50 : if inp_flag == 1: x+=(2.7) if inp_flag == 2: x-=(2.7) elif jump_max_point == 100 : if inp_flag == 1: x+=(0.27) if inp_flag == 2: x-=(0.27) return x def Screen_MoneyIc(screen,money_ic5,money_ic6,money_ic7,money_ic8,money_timers) : #绘制第二项 金钱图标 money_timers += 1 if money_timers < 15 : screen.blit(money_ic5,(WIDTH*0.24,25)) #绘制第二项 金钱图标1 elif money_timers < 40 : screen.blit(money_ic6,(WIDTH*0.24+7.5,25)) #绘制第二项 金钱图标2 elif money_timers < 55 : screen.blit(money_ic7,(WIDTH*0.24,25)) #绘制第二项 金钱图标3 elif money_timers < 80 : screen.blit(money_ic8,(WIDTH*0.24,25)) #绘制第二项 金钱图标4 else: money_timers = 0 return screen,money_ic5,money_ic6,money_ic7,money_ic8,money_timers def Game_Timers(TimersSec,Gdata,time_passed,tim_psd) : #游戏定时器 tim_psd += time_passed if tim_psd >= 1000 : #为1秒的时候 TimersSec += 1 tim_psd = 0 Gdata[3] = 400 - TimersSec #游戏所剩时间 return TimersSec,Gdata,time_passed,tim_psd while True: #事件检测 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: keys=pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_a]: if event.key == K_w and inp_flag == 0: if y <= HEIGHT-200: #看y坐标 必须在起点 jump_flag = 3 #按了上 和 向前 if y >= HEIGHT-200:#如果角色在平地才走动 后退 左 #if bg_w_1==0: #x-=5 x-=(move_values+3.5) inp_flag = 2 if keys[pygame.K_d]: if event.key == K_w and inp_flag == 0: if y <= HEIGHT-200: #看y坐标 必须在起点 jump_flag = 2 #按了上 和 向前 if y >= HEIGHT-200:#如果角色在平地才走动 前景 右 if x<(WIDTH/4): #角色还在屏幕左边 可移动 x+=(move_values+3.5) inp_flag = 1 if keys[pygame.K_w]: #jump jump_flag = 1 #仅仅是按了跳跃 jump_adder += 1 #跳跃累加器 if event.key == pygame.K_d and (jump_flag == 1): if y == HEIGHT-200: #看y坐标 必须在起点 jump_flag = 2 #按了上 和 向前 if event.key == pygame.K_a and (jump_flag == 1): if y == HEIGHT-200: #看y坐标 必须在起点 jump_flag = 3 #按了上 和 向后 if keys[pygame.K_p]: #重启 score,money,world,time,Gdata,TimersSec,Timers,x,y,inp_flag,times,times2,move_values, jump_values,jump_values2,jump_values3,jump_adder,jump_max_point,jump_flag,bg_w_1,bg_w_2,tim_psd = game_initializaion(score,money,world,time,Gdata,TimersSec,Timers,x,y,inp_flag,times,times2, move_values,jump_values,jump_values2,jump_values3,jump_adder,jump_max_point,jump_flag,bg_w_1, bg_w_2,tim_psd) if event.type == KEYUP: if keys[pygame.K_a]: inp_flag = -1 if keys[pygame.K_d]: inp_flag = -2 if keys[pygame.K_w]: if jump_adder < 4 : #如果松开按键没有达到jump_adder跳跃累加器的值 (那么就他们置零) jump_adder = 0 ##在地面时 重设默认跳跃的最高点(还原) jump_max_point = Reset_max_point(jump_max_point) #jump action 1 if jump_flag == 1: #只有跳跃 #让其他方式跳跃值为 0 jump_values2 = 0 jump_values3 = 0 #------ #持续按键跳跃的结构 if jump_adder >=4 : jump_max_point = 100 #第二次跳跃最大值 jump_adder = 0 #------ jump_values+=1.25 if jump_values <= jump_max_point: y -= 5 x = jump_leftScreenBgnotMove(x) if jump_max_point == 100:#跳跃的高度不同 y坐标的速度也要慢点 y += 1.5 x = jump_leftScreenBgnotMove(x) elif jump_values <= jump_max_point+8: pass elif jump_values <=jump_max_point*2+8: if HeroHeightIs(): #如果角色在控制 就继续加y轴的值 1 y += 5 x = jump_leftScreenBgnotMove(x) if jump_max_point == 100:#跳跃的高度不同 y坐标的速度也要慢点 y -= 1.5 x = jump_leftScreenBgnotMove(x) else: y = HEIGHT-200 jump_flag = 0 jump_values = 0 #wall detection if x<=0: x=0 if x+hero.get_width()>WIDTH: x=WIDTH-hero.get_width() #角色的动作 函数 times,times2,inp_flag,hero = WalkAction(times,times2,inp_flag,hero) #1 .bg move---blit screen.blit(background,(bg_w_2,0)) screen.blit(background,(bg_w_1,0)) #绘制信息 screen.blit(mario_name,(WIDTH*0.03,3))#绘制第一项 名字 screen,money_ic5,money_ic6,money_ic7,money_ic8,money_timers = Screen_MoneyIc(screen,money_ic5,money_ic6,money_ic7,money_ic8,money_timers) #绘制第二项 金钱图标 screen.blit(Game_moneyX,(WIDTH*0.28,24))#绘制第二项 x screen.blit(Game_world,(WIDTH*0.5-Game_world.get_width()/2,3))#绘制第三项 世界地图 screen.blit(Game_time,(WIDTH*0.84,3))#绘制第四项 游戏时间 for DATAi in range(4): Game_data = mariofont.render("%s"% Gdata[DATAi],True,(255,255,128),None) #综合绘制: 分数 金币 关卡 游戏时间 if DATAi != 2: screen.blit(Game_data,(WIDTH*(0.03+DATAi*0.27),24)) elif DATAi == 2: Game_data = mariofont.render("%s-%s"% (Gdata[DATAi]/10,Gdata[DATAi]%10),True,(255,255,128),None) #综合绘制: 分数 金币 关卡 游戏时间 screen.blit(Game_data,(WIDTH*0.5-Game_data.get_width()/2,15)) #绘制信息 #2 .bg move--panel #if inp_flag == 2: #往左走 壁纸向右拖动 # bg_w_1+=move_values/4 # bg_w_2+=move_values/4 if inp_flag == 1 and x>=(WIDTH/4):#往右走 壁纸向左拖动 bg_w_1-=(move_values/4-0.5) bg_w_2-=(move_values/4-0.5) if bg_w_1>=0: bg_w_1,bg_w_2 = 0,WIDTH-2 if bg_w_1<-WIDTH: bg_w_1,bg_w_2 = 0,WIDTH-2 screen.blit(hero,(x,y)) pygame.time.delay(2) #毫秒 time_passed = clock.tick() TimersSec,Gdata,time_passed,tim_psd = Game_Timers(TimersSec,Gdata,time_passed,tim_psd) #游戏定时 pygame.display.update() if __name__ == '__main__': main()