(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/11 浏览:3 次 )
from time import sleep, strftime user = "Cytus" calendar = {} def welcome(): print "Welcome to use this calendar. %s" % user print "Calendar is opening." sleep(1) print strftime("%A %B %d %Y") print strftime("%H:%M:%S") sleep(1) print "What would you like to do" def start_calendar(): welcome() start = True while start: user_choice = raw_input("A to add, U to Update, V to View, D to Delete, X to Exit: ") user_choice = user_choice.upper() if user_choice == "V": if len(calendar.keys()) < 1: print "The calendar is empty." else: print calendar elif user_choice == "U": date = raw_input("What date") update = raw_input("Enter the update: ") calendar[date] = update print "Update successful." print calendar elif user_choice == "A": event = raw_input("Enter event: ") date = raw_input("Enter date (MM/DD/YYYY): ") if (len(date) > 10) or int(date[6:]) < int(strftime("%Y")): print "invaild date." try_again = raw_input("Try again") try_again = try_again.upper() if try_again == "Y": continue else: start = False else: calendar[date] = event print "Successfully added." print calendar elif user_choice == "D": if len(calendar.keys()) < 1: print "The calendar is empty." else: event = raw_input("What event") for date in calendar.keys(): if calendar[date] == event: del calendar[date] print "Delete successfully." print calendar else: print "incorrect event was specified." elif user_choice == "X": start = False else: print "invalid input." start = False start_calendar()
Welcome to use this calendar. Cytus
Calendar is opening.
Thursday August 15 2019
What would you like to do"_blank" href="">Python字典操作技巧汇总》、《Python列表(list)操作技巧总结》、《Python函数使用技巧总结》、《Python数据结构与算法教程》、《Python字符串操作技巧汇总》及《Python入门与进阶经典教程》希望本文所述对大家Python程序设计有所帮助。