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做GOOGLE ADWORDS最常见的十种错误 中英文互译版

(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/10/22 浏览:3 次 )

1 没有设置每天的预算。如果你自己不为Adword Campaigns设置一个预算,很容易花掉上千美元。

2 不知道你网站的转换率。很多渴望成功的Marketer最后会选择高出价的关键词,但是他们并不知道网站的转化率。这是非常危险的。如果你不能从商家那里得到产品的转换率,现从一些非常Targeted,低价的关键词慢慢开始。找一些只有0.05美金的关键词开始,在有500个click以后,你就能大概确定产品的转化率。如果500点击你还没有卖掉一单,你也只损失了25美金。这个过程可能很慢,但是一旦你得到了这个点击->销售转化率,你就可以知道你可以负担多贵的关键词。

3 没有正确的进行关键词研究。绝大多数人用Google的关键词工具,所以绝大多数人都在那些关键词上竞争。用Wordtracker作一些研究。先用一些老式的方法,比如先想一些可能和站点相关的词语,题目,然后用wordtracker来看他们搜索量有多大?是不是值得继续研究。你在关键词上花的功夫越多,你就越可能赚钱。通常这也是最容易被忽略的一点

4 没有花时间来写广告。我这里有一个技巧。把所有的关键词放在一个group里,3-4天后你就会得到几千个Impressions。把访问量最大的150-200个关键词分组。为每个关键词写一个独特的广告,把关键词包括在广告里。基本上每个每天100impression以上的关键词都值得写一个广告。

5 没有跟踪你每天的数据。大多数Marketer建立很多Canpaigns,然后每天看看销售状况,如果赚钱就OK,不赚钱就退出。你必须保持一个每天的数据,包括有几个Ad group,每天花多少钱,多少个点击,多少个销售。这样你就能得出你的佣金/点击,投资回报率等等。我建议使用Excel来跟踪。

6 选择很差劲的产品。有些人是因为看见别人在这个产品上赚了很多钱,有些只是听到别人说。要用常识来判断。在决定选择那个产品之前,先问自己:


7 经历一点点失败就退出,一开始的时候Adword会非常困难。但是如果你不断测试,不断修改,一个产品上不超过25-40美金(也就是你能得到的佣金),你不大会被迫退出。很多人因为花了太多的钱没有进帐而被迫退出,不要让这发生在你身上。

8 不知道什么时候放弃一个Campaign。如果你在一个产品上花了50美金,1000个点击还没有销售,那就退出把。不要为了证明自己而继续花钱,换另一个产品测试吧。

9 没有收集email地址。如果收集浏览者的email地址,你就有机会不断Promote产品给他们,你的成本也会不断下降,你会有更多的销售,赚更多的钱。用Auto Responder收集他们的Email,在接下来的几年里,你都可以不断Promote相关产品。

10 不知道Google的规则,不遵守规则。很多人认为他们可以欺骗Google Adword,因为他们知道一些“秘诀”。最后导致他们的帐户被停。如果你想玩游戏的话,花点时间读读游戏规则。你不仅会知道应该怎么作,而且经常会有一些好想法。

These top 10 mistakes are based on real world experiences from my personal use of Google Adwords, as well as experiences from many of my consulting clients. By learning from these mistakes you will save yourself hours of wasted time and money as you begin setting up and running your Adwords campaigns. So whether you are an experienced Adwords junkie or just a newbie I hope you will find something of value in this list and possibly even discover a new trick or two. So without further ado (insert drum roll here) I present you with the Top 10 Google Adwords Marketing Mistakes…

1. Not placing a limit on your advertising budget. If you don’t place a limit on your advertising campaigns you could very easily run your costs into the thousands. Google Adwords makes it very easy to setup a campaign spending limit. Use it.

2. Not knowing the conversion rate of your website. Many eager marketers end up choosing high priced words and place their bids on those words without basing their bids on anything. Don’t do this. If you don’t know the conversion rate of the product you are selling then start slow, very slow, bid only 5 cents or less on many less competitive keywords and try to get as many keywords as possible at this bid price. This will enable you to determine your market on many words as well as determine some kind of conversion rate after 500 clicks to the website. If you don’t make any sales after 500 clicks you’ve only spent $25 and you know the product is a dud. It may take you a while to receive 500 clicks, but if you figure out your average “click to sales ratio” it will empower you with the knowledge to bid on more competitive keywords.

3. Not doing proper keyword research. Most people use the Google keyword tool and so will most people that are competing against you. Do deep research with Wordtracker, or even better yet, use it in combination with old fashioned thinking to come up with related terms and topics that may be relevant to your site, then use Wordtracker to look them up and see how popular they are and if they are worth further research. The more time you spend on your keyword development the better your chances of success will be. This is one of the most neglected aspects of setting up an Adwords campaign.

4. Not placing time and effort into writing your ads. I’m gonna give you a big hint and if you are not doing this already, then start. Take all your words, run them for 3 or 4 days or until you start getting a few thousand impressions. Next, take the most popular 150 to 200 words (the words with most impressions) and do separate, yes separate campaigns for each and every one. This will allow you to write separate ads for each word and use that word in your ad. By writing your ads out by hand making each one unique and distinct for each keyword you will be leaps and bounds ahead of your competition. Am I saying you need to write 150 to 200 unique ads? No. I am saying you need to start with 150 to 200 and write up to as many unique ads as you possibly can. If you can do 1000 that’s even better. My rule is that if the word gets 100 impressions or more a day then you will need to write a separate ad just for that keyword.

5. Not tracking your daily stats. Most marketers will run a few campaigns with Adwords, then check out their sales stats, if they are making money great, if not they get frustrated and quit. You need to keep daily records. Set up each website you are advertising in a separate ad group. Then track how much you spend each day, how many clicks you got, how many sales you get, etc. This will allow you to determine your Earnings Per Click, your Return On Investment, and much more powerful data. I personally use an Excel spreadsheet to manage my campaigns, I insert some basic data and Excel will calculate the rest, saving me much time and effort. Tracking means everything as long as you are tracking everything! Once you start tracking you will know exactly to a tee what is going on and you will be able to adapt accordingly.

6. Choosing lousy products or services to promote. It boggles my mind the rationale that some people use to promote certain products over others. It could be because you saw someone else make a lot of money with the product, or maybe you read on a blog it was the next best thing. Well, please, use common sense. Before promoting a product or service ask yourself these questions…

Would I buy this product?
Is this market very competitive or not competitive enough?
Is the website professional, is there leakage on the site (meaning does the webpage promote products or services that don’t pay you)?
Who is my market and do they have money and credit cards?

7. Quitting too soon. Yes, Adwords is not easy and many marketers give up before they learn the system. Adwords can be very frustrating, difficult, and intimidating the first time you use it. But if you make it a priority to test, track, and spend as little money as possible then you won’t have much reason to quit. You should never spend more than $25 to $40 to test a new product and advertising campaign. Many people end up running out of money too soon and are forced to quit. Don’t let this happen to you, start small and slow and don’t give up.

8. Not knowing when to give up. Give up on a campaign that is. If you’ve spent $50 and received 1000 visitors to your site and you haven’t made any sales, I would say it’s time to give it up. Don’t keep going and spending money just to try and prove yourself right, move on.

9. Not collecting email addresses. If the niche you are marketing to has any related products or services you could market to them (and just about all of them do) then collect their emails and follow up with them! If you do this your cost of advertising gets less and less with each email you send out. Plus, you make more money, year after year. Set up an autoresponder and collect the visitors email address. Using Adwords gives you extremely targeted and interested leads, don’t let them get away forever, get their email and market to them for years to come.

10. Not knowing the rules and breaking them. Many people think they can beat or cheat the system, others don’t know better and will place popup ads or link to inappropriate sites getting their account revoked. If you’re going to play the game, take the time and read through the rules and guidelines. Not only will you know what not to do, it may inspire a few ideas of what you can do to maximize your income.
上一篇:网赚好比盖房 一砖一瓦都要认真增添
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