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(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/11/19 浏览:3 次 )

专辑英文名:The Phantom of TheOpera
      别      名:剧院幽灵,歌剧院魅影,歌剧魅影
      译      名:歌剧魅影  原伦敦剧组1986年录音
      评      级:
      流      派:原声
      地      区:英国
      语      言:英语
      安德鲁·劳伊德·韦伯最受欢迎的作品之一。两CD的套装,附赠一本精美的手册,其中包括所有歌词以及对话和导演指示。SarahBrightman(莎拉布莱曼)扮演 Christine Daae ,Michael Crawford 扮演 Phantom。
      What's leftto be said about Andrew Lloyd Webber's adaptation of The Phantom ofthe Opera a decade after its premiere? That it's maddeninglyubiquitous? A stitch-up of various themes shoplifted from theItalian operatic repertoire? A critic-proof crowd pleaser that'sprobably being staged somewhere in the world as you read this? Amegahit that will likely outlive Titanic in the pop-culturepantheon, Phantom has largely redefined--for better or worse--themanner in which modern musicals are conceived, staged, andmarketed. Its influence has reached far beyond the traditionalconfines of London and Broadway. A favorite example: an abridgedversion that was the centerpiece of Los Angeles's longest-runningtransvestite revue, replete with 14-inch chandeliers and aman-playing-a-woman-playing-a-man in the titlerole.
      03. Think ofMe
      04. Angel ofMusic
      05. LittleLotte/The Mirror/Angel of Music
      06. ThePhantom of the Opera
      07. The Musicof the Night
      08. IRemember/Stranger Than You Dreamt it
      09. MagicalLasso
      10.Notes/Prima Donna
      11. PoorFool/He Makes Me Laugh
      12. Why HaveYou Brought Me Here
      13. All I AskOf You
      14. All I AskOf You (Reprise)
      02.Masquerade/Why So Silent
      03.Notes/Twisted Every Way
      04. WishingYou Were Somehow Here Again
      05. WanderingChild/Bravo, Monsieur
      06. The PointOf No Return
      07. Down OnceMore/Track Down This Murderer

Sarah Brightman莎拉·布莱曼《The Phantom of theOpera歌剧魅影 1986》CD1[WAV+CUE].rar: https://url27.ctfile.com/f/9388027-501409335-79abfb?p=559675(访问密码: 559675)

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